Preparation – Cambridge
Checkpoint Examination
1. The diagram shows a helicopter in the air.
(a) Two of the forces must be
equal for the helicopter to stay at the same height.
Which two forces?
................... and
................... [1]
The next diagram shows the sizes of the four forces at a different stage
in its flight.

is on level ground and there is no wind blowing.
next diagram shows the direction of one force, C, acting on the
(i) Write down the name
given to force C.
(ii) One other force is
acting on the helicopter when it is on the ground.
Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the direction of this other
force. [1]
2. The boxes show some facts about the Earth’s
movement and some observations.
(a) Draw a line from each
fact to match its observation.
(b) Tick (√) one box
next to the planet that can never be seen in the sky all night.
3. This is a question about fuels.
(a) Name three fossil
(b) Write down one disadvantage
of burning fossil fuels.
(c) Wood is a type of biomass
which can be used as fuel.
is meant by the term biomass?
(d) Wood is also a renewable
is meant by the term renewable?
(e) State one disadvantage
to the environment of cutting down trees to get wood for fuel?
4. Simran has been measuring the time
taken for different objects to slide down a ramp. The picture shows the ramp
with one of the objects, a pencil case, on it.
(a) On the picture, draw
an arrow to show the direction of the force of friction on the pencil case. [1]
(b) When timing the
different objects, the test should be made fair.
One factor to keep constant is the
distance that the object slides.
State two other factors
which need to be kept the same for each test.
She thinks there may be something
wrong with her second time.
(c) Why might she think
(d) How could she check
if the second time was wrong?
5. Complete the boxes beside each
picture to record the reading on each piece of
Measuring cylinder in cm3.
Voltmeter in volts.
6. Complete the table to show the
useful energy transfer that happens in each case.
7. Liz and Rena investigate how high a
ball bounces. They use a metre ruler and a tennis ball.
Liz drops the ball
from different heights.
Rena watches and
records the height of the first bounce.
They measure the
height from the bottom of the ball.
(a) Write down one reason
why Rena will find it difficult to record the height of the bounce accurately.
Liz and Rena repeat each test three
times and work out the average for each.
They measure in centimetres (cm).
They record their results in the table
They have plotted three of their
results on a graph.
(b) Complete the graph
• plotting the last two points
(c) One advantage of
plotting a graph is that the trend can be seen more clearly than in the
Write down one other advantage of displaying results in a graph.
(d) Another group in the
class does the test.
They plotted their results on a
similar graph.
Their points were all far from their
What does this suggest about their
8. Andy and James are pulling on a
(a) The rope does not move
toward Andy or James.
Explain why the rope does not move.
(b) Andy keeps pulling
with the same force of 100 N.
The rope now starts to move towards
What must have happened to the pulling
force from James?
9. The diagram shows four large
objects, A to D, at different places on the Earth’s surface.
(a) Draw arrows from the
objects to show the force of gravity on them.
The first one has been done for you. [2]
(b) The Moon has a
smaller force of gravity than the Earth.
Use this information to complete the sentences.
Use the words from the list below.
greater the same less
The mass of object A will be
..................................... when placed on the Moon.
The weight of object A will be
...................................... when placed on the Moon.[2]
10. Brigitte plays a musical
instrument called a saxophone.
Her teacher asks her to explain the sound the saxophone makes.
(a) Complete the
sentences that Brigitte writes.
Choose from the following words.
contract energy
expand force particle vibrate
Sound is a type of
Sound is made when the particles in
the air .............................................................[2]
The diagram shows the pattern the note
makes on the oscilloscope.
(i) Which note has the highest
Circle the correct answer.
Circle the correct answer.
(iii) Brigitte plays one
note quietly and then makes this note louder.
Bruce compares the speeds of some toys down a ramp.
He places each toy on the start line
and then lets the toy go.
(a) Bruce keeps some
variables the same.
Write down two variables
he keeps the same.
2 ............................................................................................................................[2]
(b) (i) Which two measurements
are needed to work out the average speed of the toy
(ii) Work out the average
speed of the toy truck.
Include the correct units in your
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